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Causes of Your Cat's Crazy Behavior and How to Stop It

 Causes of Your Cat's Crazy Behavior and How to Stop It

A cat acting out might race about the house or experience a nocturnal jolt of energy that is accompanied by a cacophony of meows. 

While a "crazy" cat can be fascinating to watch, the activity can also turn destructive, increasing the risk of someone getting bitten and the cat accidentally knocking objects over.

 The cat may simply be following its nocturnal or predatory inclination, in which case you can take measures to assist it and reduce the chance of mayhem or physical harm, or the erratic behavior could also be an indication that something is really wrong with its health.

Why Do Cats Act Psychopathic?

All cats, regardless of breed, occasionally behave as though they are being pursued on a racetrack by running across a room and yowling furiously. They gaze everywhere as they dart about ever-faster before stopping abruptly in their tracks.

When it occurs at night, this bizarre behavior is frequently referred to as "midnight crazy." Your cat might jump on your bed and paw at your feet, elbows, hair, or face to entice you to participate in the fun, or it might engage in wild behavior to amuse itself. This bizarre and occasionally entertaining behavior has a variety of causes.

vicious instinct

Domestic cats still have some of their original instincts as predators. Sometimes, a cat that appears to be acting irrationally may actually be engaging in hunting behavior, fighting skills, or escape routes.

Even if a house cat doesn't have to go hunting for food, it still has to release its pent-up energy, which may manifest as bizarre behavior. Cats are naturally prone to grabbing, chasing, and jumping, therefore toys like catnip mice, laser pointers, food puzzles, and feather wands stimulate this behavior. Your cat needs this exercise more than ever if it doesn't spend much time outside.

Nighttime Instinct

The fact that some cats are nocturnal and become more active at night may be another explanation for your cat's bizarre behavior. Cats who don't get enough exercise during the day may exhibit particularly bizarre behavior.

Many household cats stay inside by themselves during the day while their owners are at work. The cat may be highly energetic and eager to play when its owner gets home in the evening. The cat could act erratically if it doesn't have a way to release all of its energy. Particularly spirited are kittens.


If you have an elderly cat, it may be acting strangely as a result of senility or cognitive impairment. A pet's brain may begin to work differently as it ages, leading to bizarre, seemingly random behavior. 


When a cat has fleas, it may occasionally act erratically and appear as if something is biting it irregularly. Your cat might be overly sensitive to flea bites or simply have an itch it can't get to, especially when meowing is involved.

If you think your cat may have fleas, treat your entire household's furry members with a prescription-only, flea-killing cat treatment. Additionally, you should visit your veterinarian to find out whether your pet has any flea-related allergies or secondary skin illnesses that need to be treated. 

Additionally, you'll need to treat the environment by vacuuming, doing laundry, and, if your vet advises it, using flea bombs or area sprays. Your cat should cease acting in this manner after the fleas are gone.

Syndrome of Feline Hyperesthesia (FHS)

Feline hyperesthesia syndrome (FHS) is a rare condition that most frequently affects senior cats and for which there is no known cure. 
Consult your veterinarian about the likelihood of FHS if you observe that:
  • When your cat is moving around, it seems as though the skin on its back is rippling.
  • Even after you've given your cat the necessary flea treatment, it still frequently bites at the area on its back above its tail.
  • Petting your cat's tail or back base causes it to excessively groom, scratch, or bite the area, and then run frantically about the house.

Future Steps

Sometimes it's challenging to pinpoint exactly what made your cat suddenly become a little wild. Cats, in general, are tricky to understand! Many individuals are aware of basic canine vocalizations and mannerisms, but many are unable to identify basic feline habits.

Dogs' expressive looks and body language are quite simple to decipher. To communicate their feelings to others, they wag their tails, make various noises, and frequently obediently carry out simple instructions.

 On the other side, cats are typically recognized for their aloofness and ambiguous emotional responses. But there's a growing consensus that cats can express themselves just as well as dogs do. 3 The issue is that people frequently misinterpret or fail to recognize the messages that cats are trying to convey.

Understanding Your Cat

Meows and tail waves from cats can signify a variety of things depending on the circumstance. Your cat is truly attempting to communicate with you with every purr, yowl, or even blink. Finding out what it is saying is difficult.

According to experts, there is something to be gained from these communication efforts. For instance, becoming adept at reading your cat's body language might help you develop a closer bond with it and make it easier for you to respond to its demands.

Since each cat is unique, the easiest place to start is by just watching your cat. Make a mental note of the circumstances and surroundings at the time the "crazy" conduct occurs. Pay attention to your cat's most recent actions, body language, vocalizations, and the time of day. Was your cat just grooming, eating, or scratching its back? Your cat may have given a fun meow before rushing into the adjacent room.

You'll probably start to piece together the circumstances that set off your cat's craziness with time and careful observation. This will make it easier for you to know what is typical for your cat and when any unusual behavior might be a sign of a health problem that needs to be looked into by your veterinarian.

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