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Kennel Cough in Young Dogs

 Kennel Cough in Young Dogs

Kennel Cough in Puppies

Both pups and adult dogs are susceptible to the widespread and dangerous illness known as kennel cough. The illness, which is brought on by germs or viruses, inflames the dog's trachea and bronchi (the tubes leading to the lungs). 

 All dogs are prone to the ailment, but those who have been in boarding kennels, doggie daycare, animal shelters, dog shows, unreliable breeders, or under other stressful circumstances are more likely to contract it.

Why Do Dogs Cough?

Kennel cough is a contagious illness that inflames a dog's trachea and bronchi, which are the tubes leading to its lungs. It is also referred to as canine infectious respiratory disease complex or canine infectious tracheobronchitis. 

The cilia (small hair-like projections) inside an infected dog's airways are damaged by infectious bacterial or viral agents, which results in a cough. By removing irritants like dust, bacteria, and other microbes with wave-like motions, cilia often protect the respiratory system. Damage to them causes the defense system to malfunction, raising the likelihood that one or more infections may spread.

One of the most likely places for a disease to spread is crowded boarding kennels, hence the name "kennel cough."

Kennel Cough in Puppies: Symptoms

The majority of kennel cough occurrences result in a minor condition, and the symptoms typically cause more discomfort for owners than they do for the puppy. However, kennel cough can turn into potentially fatal pneumonia if left untreated.
eye or nasal discharge
mild fever
reduced appetite
The trachea and bronchi of the puppy get inflamed as a result of kennel cough, which results in a characteristic cough that frequently resembles a high-pitched honking. 

Excitation, drinking, or applying light pressure to the puppy's throat's base can all cause a cough. Coughing can occur as a result of leash pulling. Less frequent symptoms that are more likely to manifest if the illness is left untreated include fever, loss of appetite, and nasal or ocular discharge.

Another important reason to isolate new puppies is that kennel cough symptoms often appear two to ten days after exposure.

The origins of kennel cough

Kennel cough is a condition that can be brought on by a single infectious agent or by several, such as:
  • Bacteria Bordetella bronchiseptica and Mycoplasma
  • Parainfluenza virus in dogs
  • Dog adenovirus 2 
Saliva and nasal secretions are the primary means of kennel cough transmission. When your puppy sniffs or licks an infected dog or a contaminated object in its environment, it can spread directly through contact. However, coughing also spreads the agents from one dog to another through the air.

How to Spot Kennel Cough in Puppy

Your dog's recent history and clinical symptoms will help your veterinarian make the diagnosis of kennel cough. For instance, there are risk factors if your puppy was recently acquired from a shelter or kennel or spent time in a boarding facility.

 Although it's generally not required to pinpoint the infectious agent causing a dog's symptoms, tests can be performed if it is.


Kennel's cough can spiral out of control. An irritation brought on by the illness leads to a cough, which brings on still another discomfort. If a puppy's symptoms are severe or do not significantly improve within a reasonable amount of time, veterinary care will be required. Mild cases may resolve at home with rest and nursing care.

When bacterial infections are present, antibiotics may be needed. Additionally, bronchodilators, which widen breathing passages, and anti-inflammatory medications may be prescribed. Your dog will require more aggressive treatment if pneumonia develops.

Care at Home

There are natural remedies you can use to treat your puppy's congestion while it recovers.
  • To assist clear the nose, use a vaporizer. Put a cool-mist humidifier in a reasonably small space for your pet, and use it a few times each day as you would for a child. This will not only aid in clearing out the congestion but also soothe inflamed eyes and nostrils.
  • A hot shower can help if you don't have a vaporizer or humidifier. Bring your dog into the bathroom, turn on the hot shower, and let the steam fill the room. It's best to limit sessions to no longer than 10 minutes, especially if you have short-faced dogs or pugs. Too much hot, humid air can make it difficult for some pets to breathe.
  • To clean off eye or nose secretions, you can also soak and soften them with a warm washcloth or cotton balls. Peeling off dried substances could harm or damage the skin, so avoid doing so.
Puppy sickness can worsen if it refuses to eat and drink. Consult your veterinarian about providing savory and more alluring foods to pique a sick dog's appetite. 

The food should be microwaved for five seconds to bring it to a temperature close to body temperature (95 to 98 degrees Fahrenheit). That will release the aroma, making the food smell more overpowering and permeable even to congested noses.

Try incorporating a little warm water or chicken broth into your dog's regular food to add moisture, which also helps to enhance the aroma. Call your veterinarian if your puppy's appetite doesn't return within 24 hours.


Puppies that get attentive care typically recover from kennel cough in a few weeks. Pneumonia, a more severe ailment that can be deadly and requires urgent veterinary treatment to prevent serious sickness or death, is a possibility in severe cases.

Since kennel cough is very contagious to other dogs, it's crucial to keep sick puppies (or those who are coughing frequently) separate from other dogs and keep an eye out for coughing in those who have been exposed. Isolation can be difficult in houses with multiple dogs since infected puppies may continue to spread the disease to other dogs for several weeks.


There are kennel cough immunizations that can provide protection. To promote what is referred to as "local immunity," some vaccinations are administered via injection, while others are administered as drops in the nose or mouth. The ideal decision for your dog might be suggested by your vet. 

Annual vaccinations for dogs at high risk for kennel cough may be beneficial; otherwise, your puppy may only need this shot before going to puppy classes or being boarded at a kennel.

Is Kennel Cough Spreadable Among Animals?

As kennel cough is very contagious to other dogs of all ages, a sick puppy should be kept separate from all other dogs. Both people and other pet animals are immune to this sickness.

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