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Top 10 Guidelines for Dog Childproofing

 Top 10 Guidelines for Dog Childproofing

Top 10 Tips for Childproofing a Dog

If your dog has been trained to act appropriately around youngsters, dogs and kids can be a wonderful mix. Some canines seem to have a natural affinity for kids and a sense of how to behave around them. These dogs still require socialization and training. They must be aware of their limitations.

Not all canines get along well with children. Some dogs, in fact, are frightened of kids. Some of these dogs may never be able to engage with children securely, but many of them can be trained to behave around them from a distance.

It's crucial to make sure kids are safe around your dog at all times if they are guests or residents of your home.

Make Your Puppy Social

Between the ages of 8 and 16 weeks, a puppy's development goes through a crucial stage. If kids are exposed to a range of individuals and circumstances throughout this period, they are more likely to learn to accept and feel at ease with them. Introduce your new puppy to kids in a positive way if you just got one.

 Make sure it can accommodate children of various ages in a range of circumstances. Children should behave nicely and gently around dogs. If your dog has positive interactions with children, it will feel positive emotions toward them.

Even an adult dog can be socialized with young children. The procedure needs to move more gradually and gently. Offer plenty of praise and beneficial treats. As soon as your dog exhibits signs of stress, remove him from the situation.

Start a Program for Obedience

The first step in safeguarding the safety of youngsters in your home is having a well-behaved dog. You may train your dog how to behave around children by teaching it simple instructions like sit and down.

 For instance, teaching it to lie down instead of jumping up to kiss guests can enable you to guide it toward more suitable behavior.

You could choose to enroll your dog in training sessions to receive advice from qualified trainers. Dog training classes allow your dog to learn how to behave among other dogs and are more economical than one-on-one expert training.

Exercises for Handling Practice

Even the most well-behaved kid occasionally struggles to resist wrapping their arms around a dog's neck or yanking on its tail. Before your dog accidentally bumps into a child, get it ready for this kind of attention. 

While you gently pull its tail, hold its paws, hug it, and examine its ears, give it lots of praise and perhaps even some treats. It may be best to keep the children at a distance if your dog displays signs of fear or anxiety in response to this gentle prodding.

Keep Your Dog From Jumping Up

Not all guests to your home will share your tolerance for your dog jumping up on them to greet them. When your guest is a young child who could be hurt if your dog knocks them over, it can be especially dangerous.

The best course of action is to completely prohibit dog jumping. Asking your dog to sit will stop it from jumping up as you enter the room. When it jumps, try stepping straight back out the door if this doesn't work.

 When you go through the door, show your dog lots of love and praise for keeping all four paws on the ground. The dog will quickly realize that refraining from jumping up on people is far more rewarding.

Dogs should be introduced to kids' toys.

Consider all the things that kiddie toys are capable of. Funny, high-pitched noises are frequently made by dolls and toy animals. Bikes zoom by at a rapid rate. Across the yard, balls are kicked or thrown.

 Your dog may be very tempted by all of these things to steal, chew, or chase toys. In addition to children being nipped or knocked over, this can result in toys being destroyed.

Some children's toys may cause sensitive dogs to become afraid of them, which can cause them to start associating their fear with kids.

Without the kids present, introduce your dog to kids' toys. When this happens, directives like leave it and stay are helpful. 

To prevent your dog from stealing or chasing after toys, use these commands. Make sure your dog is directed to the proper dog toys. If your dog is prone to anxiety, give him goodies as he approaches the toys.

Behave as a child

Children behave differently than adults, let's face it. They move erratically and shout while running. Try to model some of these behaviors for your dog. Teach your dog to stay, then gradually progress to asking it to remain still while you circle your yard or yell at it in a childlike voice.

Taking your dog to a playground or park might also help him get acquainted with how kids act. Start out at a distance and gradually get closer to the playing kids. Take a few steps back and restart if your dog ever exhibits any signs of anxiety. Use plenty of praise and sweets, and keep things lighthearted.

Train Your Dog in Crates

When given an escape route, dogs frequently behave better around kids. Your dog needs to be trained to be happy and at ease in a crate.

 Any kids who live in your house should know they are not allowed in the crate. This gives your dog a safe place to rest while still allowing it to interact with the kids when it wants to.

No need to coerce a dog into accepting kids

Some people believe that letting a youngster pet a dog while holding it is an excellent method to introduce kids and dogs to one another. It's untrue! Holding a dog that is scared of kids as a kid comes around and pets it can be a terrible situation. 

An anxious dog may turn hostile and snap, growl, or bite to get away from the source of its anxiety, in this example, youngsters. Instead, give your dog as much time as necessary to become accustomed to children and give it the freedom to interact on its terms.

Stay Positive

Positive reinforcement is the most effective strategy to foster a positive relationship between your dog and young children. 

Give your dog plenty of praise, treats, and attention when it behaves well with kids. Your dog will discover that whenever kids are present, good things happen. It will soon be happily looking for kids and acting appropriately.

Give kids rules.

Not only do dogs need training; but other animals also need it. Children should be given guidelines on how to act around their dogs as well. Any child who comes into your home should be informed of the following:
  • You should gently pet the dog.
  • The dog shouldn't be made the center of attention.
  • You can't go near the dog's crate.
  • When the dog is eating or chewing on a bone, stay away from it.
  • When the dog is sleeping, leave it alone.
  • When the dog is present in the room, make sure an adult is there. Never, ever leave a child unattended with a dog.


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