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Walking Your Dog Outside When It's Too Hot

 Walking Your Dog Outside When It's Too Hot

Walking Your Puppy When It's Too Hot Outside
In the height of summer, temperatures may regularly exceed 90 degrees Fahrenheit with humidity levels in the 70s or 80s. Going outside as a result is a really difficult task. 

When you have a puppy, though, there will be moments when you simply have to go outside, most notably for your puppy's toilet breaks and to give them some exercise.
Make sure you are ready to go outside whenever you and your puppy must do so. When it's too hot to go outside, use this advice to give your puppy the exercise he needs.

When you take your puppy outside, pick the coolest times of the day.

Walking Your Puppy When It's Too Hot Outside
The optimum times to go out and about with your puppy for toilet breaks are in the early morning, late afternoon, and nighttime. 

By picking these times, your puppy will be able to stretch his legs a little more and you won't have to worry as much about the oppressive heat. Being prepared is still essential because it may still be hot.

Before taking your puppy outside, give him water.

You may bring a horse to water, but you can't force him to drink, as the proverb goes. And in this instance, that statement is quite appropriate. So be it if your puppy doesn't drink. But always remember to provide water. You might try giving your puppy a word or phrase to use as a cue to drink water.
  • You are essentially reminding the dog of your desired outcome while making a suggestion to them. Like Pavlov's dogs, you want your puppy to show signs of thirst when you say the cue word. It only requires a little consistency and patience to teach this.
  • Say the words you want to use each time your puppy approaches the water bowl to drink (the key is to do this as they are approaching and beginning to feel the urge to drink). You can use any phrase (as long as you wouldn't mind saying it aloud in public), but something straightforward like "drink water" or "water bowl" works.
  • The idea is to say it softly enough for your dog to hear it without detracting from the task at hand. The same is true of compliments. Praise your puppy after they have drank a few mouthfuls, then allow them to finish.
  • Then, you can expand this to additional locations and different kinds of water bowls. Because drinking water is its own reward, it's a fantastic idea to practice the cue word while you're out and about. Place the water bowl down, fill it, and then gently reward them after saying "drink water" (or another suitable command). Offer it again politely, without criticism or a harsh tone, if they decline. Allow them to discover it on their own, and continue to reinforce it at home.

If you plan to spend more than a few minutes outside, bring water.

Walking Your Puppy When It's Too Hot Outside
It's wise to be ready because you and your dog could occasionally become sidetracked by the surroundings. When you and your dog go outdoors for a brief restroom walk, try to remember to bring a small bottle of water with you. 

You'll be prepared to go if your fast trip to the restroom turns into a block walk. You can at the very least use one of your hands to create a dish for your dog to drink from.

If the sun is strong, think about using an umbrella.

Carrying a parasol for the sun may sound a little "Downton Abbey," but you aren't donning a fur coat. Additionally, having a dog with no or very little hair might worsen the sun!

 Carrying an umbrella provides a small amount of shade that can significantly aid in keeping your dog cool during the midday sun.

Some dogs benefit most from sunscreen.

Even though it may seem strange, some hairless dogs can become sunburned equally as badly as people if they don't use sunscreen. 

Make sure your dog doesn't become burnt by keeping an eye out for areas of light color and hairlessness. Just be sure to use sunscreen that is safe for dogs, avoid ingredients like zinc oxide, and keep sunscreen out of their eyes.

Remember that asphalt gets very hot in the summer.

Walking your dog across the blacktop of a parking lot or street during the summer can be risky. Even while the pads of a dog's paws are more durable than the soles of our feet, they are nevertheless prone to blistering and burning, particularly in indoor dogs who spend most of their time on carpets and rugs. Therefore, don't force your puppy to cross it if you wouldn't like to.

The best times of day to take your puppy out for potty breaks are in the early morning, late afternoon, and evening so that you can spend more time exploring. Try to stay in locations that are grassy or shaded.

Consider exercising your dog inside.

Here are some fun games you can play with your puppy to help them burn off some energy while still taking advantage of the wonders of air conditioning.

Consider Games

Simply walking back and forth across a living room, hallway, or kitchen is the simplest recall game to play. Each player needs to have a handful of sweets for this game, which requires two players. While the other person begins to call the puppy, one person gently restrains it by the collar. 

Wait a half second before releasing your hold to get the puppy a little more eager to go. Then point the puppy in the direction of the other person. Give the puppy a reward, give him praise as soon as he arrives, and then get ready to send him back by doing the same. For a few minutes at a time, continue doing this.

By using stairs, navigating corners, and traveling farther, you can boost the ante on this game. If your puppy starts to lose interest in the game, stop playing. Never correct them when they arrive; this is supposed to be enjoyable for everyone involved. This holds true even if they got sidetracked. Be more intriguing, please!
Haunted House

Although it is a variation on the recall game, this one is distinct enough to stand on its own. This game's wonderful feature is that only one person needs to play it. Simply wait till your dog is preoccupied, then scurry off (make sure you have a snack in your pocket). As soon as your puppy starts to understand, go slowly the first few times. Call your puppy while hiding just one room over. Get in front of a door.

 Hide behind the drapes, a sofa, or a chair. Just be aware that your puppy might learn how to open these things if you hide them in a cabinet or closet. So be aware of any unintended training you might be engaging in while playing this game.

If there is more than one of you, each person should conceal and call the dog as soon as he locates one of you. Both parties can phone him and see who he finds first if he is truly excellent at this game. This is a wonderful game to keep attention because it offers rewards and lots of praise.

Check out pet-friendly shops

Even though this one involves some travel outside to get there, consider all the wonderful things you may do once you arrive at the store! You can continue the training you've started at home. In front of the bone displays, perform "sit-stays." When a treat is offered by a store employee, practice sitting down and giving a polite greeting. 

When your dog is distracted by the clever low bucket of treats that businesses always have, practice saying "come when called." When they claim that the ferret cage is the greatest invention your dog has ever seen, use the phrase "leave it."

Ensure that your puppy is healthy, fully immunized, and prepared to be in public areas. Just be mindful of your surroundings when entering the parking lot, especially the heat.

Have a ton of entertaining and engaging toys for your puppy.

For days when playing outside is difficult due to the heat, toys are great for creating an enriching environment for your puppy. Give your puppy a variety of engaging and interactive toys, and play with your dog as well.

It might be difficult to keep a puppy entertained and active during the hottest part of the summer. However, if you use these simple suggestions, you and your puppy will quickly get exhausted and content!

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