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Why Cats Consume Litter and How to Prevent It

 Why Cats Consume Litter and How to Prevent It

For a variety of reasons, cats may ingest litter and other unwanted stuff. Pica, or eating things other than food, is the term used to describe this activity.

Pica can have several causes, including a mother leaving her kittens, which might show up as nursing behavior. All kinds of things, including plastic, fabric, string, paper, dirt, and even litter, might be the focus of cats who have pica.

Pica can take many different forms, some of which are unpleasant or relatively harmless, like licking plastic bags, but eating non-food items can result in intestinal blockages. Additionally, it can indicate a sickness.

Cats eat litter, so why?

If your cat or kitten consumes litter, there may be a health or behavioral problem. If the behavior occurs suddenly and you feel it may be a health issue, you should take your cat to the vet straight soon.

Some kittens may eat litter purely out of curiosity, but with careful supervision, they will eventually outgrow the behavior.


Eating litter could be a symptom that your cat is ill; anemia is one illness where this sign may be present in an affected cat. Lack of hemoglobin and red blood cells results in anemia. Owners of cats should look for pale, white, or bluish gums. A lack of iron, trace minerals, vitamins, or vital fatty acids can cause anemia.

Additionally, if your cat is anemic, the anemia may be a symptom of parasites, kidney illness, bone marrow disease, or the feline leukemia virus (FeLV), in addition to other conditions.

In addition to performing a regular examination, your veterinarian will probably advise blood tests such as a complete blood count (CBC) and urinalysis. These tests will identify any underlying disorders and determine whether the cat is anemic.

Food Insufficiencies

If your cat isn't getting enough nourishment from its food, it can start eating litter. This can happen if your cat is not consuming appropriately balanced food, but it can also happen if your cat's digestive system is not correctly absorbing nutrients. If a nutritional deficiency is suspected, a veterinarian or a veterinary nutritionist can advise you on the best course of action.

Interested Kittens

It's advised to wait to use clumping litter on kittens until they are older since kittens might ingest litter out of curiosity. An intestinal blockage could result from consuming clumping litter. Use non-toxic litter, and keep an eye on usage. If you notice that your kitten is consuming litter, take it out of the litter box, but only after it has used the toilet.

If the type of litter has recently changed, such as to a wheat- or corn-based litter, adult cats may also snack on the litter.

Stopping Your Cat From Eating Litter: A Guide

Once your cat has been given the all-clear, you can focus on getting him to stop eating the litter. Litter comes in a variety of forms, including clay, clumping (scented and unscented), corn, wheat, and paper-based litter. Try another if your cat is only eating one kind.

  • Your cat can be restless. If you notice it consuming waste, engage it in play to change its behavior. To entice away from the box, throw a crinkle ball, a toy mouse, or dangle a fishing pole toy.
  • Review your cat's nutrition again. Upgrade the food you're giving your pet, especially if it's dry food from the grocery store. Many options for high-quality food are more nutrient-complete.
  • Boost your cat's innate hunting instincts. Look at food puzzle toys, which promote natural foraging behavior, in addition to increasing playtime. There are numerous ways to create your own utilizing everyday objects about the house as well as various versions offered in pet supply stores. Toy puzzles are enjoyable ways for your cat to work for its food, diverting its destructive bad behavior.
  • Consider presenting a pot of cat grass. Once more, this diverts attention from the litter and provides your cat with another chewable object. Don't forget about catnip, another staple of happy cats. You can buy catnip-filled toys, produce your own and offer it fresh, or sprinkle it on scratchers.


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